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Kihega, Darren

Email: darren.kihega@spps.org

Phone: (651).293.8880 ext. 44443

Qualifications: Bachelor of Science: Metropolitan State University Urban Secondary Education 5 - 12 Licensure: Social Studies

Mr. Kihega


I teach 7th grade American Studies, 8th grade Global Studies and 8th grade Foundations. I started at Farnsworth as a Special Education Assistant and I began teaching Social Studies at Farnsworth in February of 2016.

I was born on the Pine Ridge Native Reservation in South Dakota and I have lived in Minnesota since 2010. When I am not educating our future leaders, I am at any of the local park in the Twin Cities running around a lake or relaxing with a book about history or politics. You can also find me at any local Powwow and supporting the local Native American art community.

I love the setting at Farnsworth because of the exciting and open learning environment the staff and educators work very hard to create on a daily basis. The commitment, energy, and compassion the staff and educators bring to school everyday establishes the support, encouragement, and trust our future leaders can depend on for academic success.