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Hussain, Samina

Email: Samina.hussain@spps.org

Phone: 651 - 293 - 8880 ext. 42210

Qualifications: B.A. in Economics M.A. in Middle School Social Studies University of St. Thomas

Mrs. Hussain


Hello families,

My name is Hussain. This year I am teaching sixth grade Minnesota Studies and seventh grade American Studies. This is my 6th year at Farnsworth. Our school is a place where students love to learn and we all work hard to see students succeed beyond their own expectations. The community is supportive and willing to step forward to assist each other in achieving the academic growth of all our students.  I am honored to be a part of the  close-knit Farnsworth community. When I am not teaching, I like to spend time with my family and friends, gardening and reading. 

Course Title:  Minnesota Studies

Standards Addressed:

Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards in English Language Arts (2010), Minnesota K-12 Revised Academic Standards for Social Studies (2011)

Course Description:

MN Studies features history as the lead discipline but the focus includes geographic, economic and civic understandings. Students study Minnesota history and its government, placing the state and its people within the context of the national story. They engage in historical inquiry and study events, issues and individuals significant to Minnesota history, beginning with the early indigenous people of the upper Mississippi River region to the present day. They examine the relationship between levels of government, and how the concept of sovereignty affects the exercise of treaty rights. They analyze how the state’s physical features and location of resources affected settlement patterns and the growth of cities. Drawing on their knowledge of economics, students analyze the influence of a market-based economy at the local and national levels. They learn about the unique role Minnesota played, and continues to play, in regional, national and global politics.

 Adopted Text - Northern Lights

Download the MNHS app from School Service to access the text.

Student username: 625 Student password: loon


Course Title: 7th Grade American Studies

Standards Addressed: 

Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards in English Language Arts (2010), Minnesota K-12 Revised Academic Standards for Social Studies (2011)

Course Description:

Grade seven features history as the lead discipline with a strong secondary emphasis on citizenship and government. Students learn about people, issues and events of significance to this nation’s history from 1800 to the current era of globalization. They examine the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and Supreme Court decisions for their lasting impact on the American people, economy and governance structure. They focus on what democracy means under the Constitution.They examine United States history through the lens of systems of power, democracy and the constant advocacy for those outside the systems of power to enjoy democracy. All students participate in History Day for their research project.

Adopted Texts  

America: History of our Nation

A Different Mirror for Young People by Ronald Takaki

A Young People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn

Race in America Series (Abdo)