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District Cell Phone Policy Update

Application for Educational Benefits on phone

Dear Saint Paul Public Schools Community,

Thank you for your engagement in the recent cell phone policy survey. In November 2024, surveys were sent to all SPPS families, and 6-12th grade students and staff. In total, over 10,500 people responded to the surveys. Additionally, discussions were held with eight Parent Advisory Councils (PACs), and a roundtable was conducted with high school students. Student and staff focus groups were also held in January. 

An executive summary of the results of this engagement is available on the SPPS website.

Using your feedback, a district cell phone and personal electronics policy has been drafted and reviewed by the Board of Education. The purpose of the policy is to minimize the impact of cell phones and personal electronic devices on academic performance, mental health, learning environments and effective teaching. The policy will be discussed again at the next two regular Board meetings on Jan. 21 and Feb. 18, with a vote expected at the Feb. 18 meeting. Anyone wishing to comment on the policy is invited to sign up for public comment. Interpreters are available.

A copy of the draft policy is available here. Once it is approved by the Board, schools will prepare to implement it at the start of the 2025-26 school year in September. Thank you for your input on this new district policy that is required by state law.