Section 504
What is Section 504?
Section 504 is a part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This federal law protects the rights of individuals with disabilities and Section 504 directly protects students. An Individual Accommodation Plan (IAP) is a legal document that outlines accommodations for students in the school setting. To be eligible to receive accommodations through Section 504, a student must have "a physical or mental disability which substantially limits a major life activity".
An Individual Accommodation Plan is written based on specific needs of individual students and reviewed each year. Accommodations in an IAP may include assignments/homework, instructional materials, instructional methods, testing, organization, physical environment, social/emotional/behavior needs, health, diabetes and anaphylaxis.
The team for each student will vary. A team will always include the parent(s)/guardian(s) and may include a school administrator, teacher, nurse, social worker or counselor, and other school staff.
The Section 504 Process
Referral: A parent/guardian, teacher, school staff member contacts the 504 Coordinator.
Assessment: The 504 team at the student’s school collects information (i.e. medical documentation) and completes an evaluation.
Eligibility: A decision is made by the team regarding eligibility. If a student qualifies, an Individual Accommodation Plan (IAP is written). If a student does not qualify other options are discussed.
504 Team at Farnsworth
Josie Kent, Social Worker
Maria Patera, School Nurse
Mike Sodomka, Assistant Principal
Classroom Teachers
School Counselors
If you have questions about the 504 process or about an existing IAP, please contact Ms. Josie at 651-293-8880 or