Restorative Practices
Posted by Saint Paul Public Schools on May 25, 2017
Restorative Practice is a collaboration between Saint Paul Public Schools and the Saint Paul Federation of Educators as part of a program that started during the 2016-2017 school year.
This is how it might look in our building:
Tier 1 Circles: Building relationships & community
- Monday morning circles in all foundations classrooms
- First Impressions multicultural boys group
- 8th grade WEB Leaders help lead circles with 6th grade foundations classrooms
- Community Building circles- Check in circles, values circle, classroom expectations, team building, celebration circles
- Teaching content in circle
- Professional Development offered to staff during opening week and throughout the year
Introduction to RP for parents through our School Climate Improvement Team (SCIT) meetings held every 3rd Mondays of each month in the library.
Tier 2 Circle: Problem Solving and Issue focused
- Repairing relationships at the first sign of things going wrong as needed.
- Repairing Harm/Conflict:
- Whole class repairing harm/conflict circles
- Student to Student
- Student to Staff
- Staff to Staff
- Parent to School
- Parent to Parent
Tier 3 Circles: Conflict/Harm
- Rebuilding relationships in those out of balance
- Circle of Understanding
- Repairing Harm Circles
- Healing Circles
- Resolving Conflicts Circles
- Reintegration Circles (Student readmits)
Restorative Practice - Guided monthly discussion topics
- September -Values (hopes and dream circles)
- October- Bullying prevention & Kindness
- November- Voter-registration circles
- December- Goal setting circles
- January- Review expectation circles, mid year reflection
- February- Restorative Discussion
- March- Teaching in circle
- April- World cultures circle around diversity
- May- Celebration circles
- June- End of the year reflection
SPPS Restorative Practices
- SPPS Restorative Practices
- SPPS Restorative Practice testimonies (teachers and students)