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Common Grading Scale

Farnsworth Upper has implemented a new grading system to reflect student progress toward meeting the Minnesota State Standards. You may notice that your student’s grades are different than they have been previously.  Please read the information below to learn how our teachers are using common grading to reflect your student’s progress in meeting MN academic standards:

A (level 4)

            The student has shown mastery of a standard and has shown evidence of work and knowledge above their own grade level.

B (level 3)

            The student has met the designated standard and has shown mastery of the content. The student is on track to continue to meet or exceed standards.

C (level 2)

            The student is close to meeting the designated standard, but is missing some of the knowledge or skills required to meet the standard. Many standards are very difficult, so achieving a 2 or a C by the end of the quarter is a significant achievement for some students.

D (level 1)

            The student has shown some knowledge or skills related to the standard, but they are missing important parts. Students who have a D or level 1 may have missing assignments, or may need to retake assessments.

N (Level 0)

            The student has not submitted enough work to assess their knowledge. A student who has received an N has not passed the class, and will need to redo assignments and retake tests.

If you have questions about this new grading scale, please don’t hesitate to contact your student’s teachers.  Our Farnsworth teachers are glad to answer your questions, and to work with your child in helping them to understand our new grading system.

The rationale behind Common Grading:

  • Common Grading provides a systematic, whole-school approach to grading that clearly communicates academic achievement to students, families, and staff.
  • Common Grading will more effectively gauge students’ level of understanding in content areas and will better reflect MCA performance levels.
  • Teachers can use Common Grading as a planning tool to raise achievement. 

What is 4-point Common Grading?

In a 4-point common grading system, students are assessed based on their proficiency in meeting state academic standards.  At Farnsworth Upper Aerospace Magnet (the Home of Future Leaders), teachers will take the Minnesota Academic Standards which are broad statements of skills and understandings and break these down into specific and measurable learning goals for each course.  Learning goals are what students should know (content and concepts) or be able to do (skills and problem solving).  This means that teachers will assess a student’s progress towards meeting each standard based learning goal by indicating the quality at which a student’s work meets a learning goal. The table below explains the levels of quality.


Proficiency Level

Score Entered into CAMPUS Grade book

What the word/score means

Exceeds proficiency

(Exceeds standards-based learning goal)


Student work goes above and beyond the criteria for meeting the learning goal.


(Meets standards-based learning goal)


Student work meets the learning goal.  It is proficient work that demonstrates the essential skills and knowledge of the learning goal.

Partially Proficient

(Does not meet standards-based learning goal, but is making progress)


Student work demonstrates progress toward the learning goal and is close to demonstrating proficiency.

Not Proficient

(Does not meet standards-based learning goal)


Student work demonstrates minimal progress toward meeting the learning goal.

No Score Given

(No Evidence)


Student has shown insufficient evidence to gauge progress toward the learning goal.


What does and does not get factored into a student’s grade?

80% of the grade is based on the student progress towards standards-based learning goals on summative assessments.  Possible examples could include final draft of a paper, test, project, or performance.


20% of the grade is based on practice and formative assessments (this work must be based on the standards-based learning goals that will appear on the summative assessment).  Possible examples could include homework, class work, notebook checks, rough drafts, etc.

  1. Student behaviors (effort, participation, adherence to class rules, etc.) are not included in grades.

  2. Work submitted late does not receive a reduced mark (within the assigned quarter).

  3. Absences and tardiness are not factored into grades.

  4. Students are allowed to retake and redo summative assessments (within the assigned quarter).

    1. Within four weeks of the date the assessment was given or the end of the quarter.

    2. After students have completed re-assessment requirements (additional practice).

  1. Academic dishonesty will result in a 0. In order to receive a score for the assessment, the student must complete the re-assessment requirement (additional practice).


Missing Formative Work Policy

  1. Work will be made available online or in a space somewhere in the classroom.

  2. Missing formative work can be turned in for credit by the end of the quarter OR end-of-unit assessment.

  3. Missing summative assessments must be completed by end of the quarter.


Determining Quarter Grades:

Student grades will be determined using the guidelines below.


Average Score




3.8 - 4.0

95 - 100%

The majority of a student’s evidence exceeds the standards-based learning goal.


3.6 - 3.79

90 - 94.9%


3.3 - 3.59

83 - 89.9%

 The majority of a student’s evidence meets the standards-based learning goal.


3 - 3.29

75 - 82.9%


2.6 - 2.9

65 - 74.9%


2.3 - 2.59

58 - 64.9%

 The majority of a student’s evidence does not meet the

standards-based learning goal, but is showing progress towards the goal.


2 - 2.29

50 - 57.9%


1.6 - 1.9

40 - 49.9%


1.3 - 1.59

33 - 39.9%

The majority of a student’s evidence does not meet the standards-based learning goal.


1.0 - 1.29

25 - 32.9%


0.6 - 0.99

18 - 24.9%


0 - 0.59

0 -17.9%

The majority of evidence does not meet the standards-based learning goal


There is not enough evidence to determine a proficiency level.


The determination of a grade may also include teachers using their professional judgment to determine calculation of student proficiency levels by analyzing the collected body of evidence.