Be On Time Policy
Be On Time behavior is defined in our Positive Expectations Matrix. This is a behavior that we model, teach, reteach and practice throughout the year.
Tardy is defined as when a student enters class after the bell has rung and the student does not have a pass. Tardy is not defined as coming to class unprepared or being out of their assigned seat when the bell sounds.
Truant is defined as when a student is choosing to be someplace other than where they are supposed to be.
Tardiness to School
Students who are tardy to school must report to the office. The student will be issued an admit slip and sent to class.
Tardiness to Class
Students must be in class before the bell rings.
If a student is tardy with a PASS:
Admit the student to class and mark him/her PRESENT.
If a student is tardy without a PASS:
● Admit the student to class and mark him/her TARDY.
● Students SHOULD NOT be sent out of class to get a pass.
**Teachers connecting with families early rather than later is crucial**
1. All staff will actively monitor hallways during all passing times.
2. Each floor is staffed with support staff during passing time. Tardy students will be assigned lunch detention by support staff after the second bell rings.
3. Staff will welcome all students to class.
4. If you observe chronic tardies with individual students, please contact the family.
5. The support staff will monitor tardies weekly and determine additional supports.
Pass Policy
Any time a staff member delays a student from being on time to class (i.e. talking with a student during passing time), that staff member must issue a pass so the student may be admitted to their next class.
A staff member MUST issue a pass to a student if the student is leaving the classroom during class time (i.e. bathroom, locker, drinking fountain, main office).