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Attendance Policy

Students attending Farnsworth Aerospace are expected to be in school. Coming to school is the single most important first step that a child can take to be a good student.  Please read through the policy and let us know where we can help your child.


Be On Time Policy

Be On Time behavior is defined in our Positive Expectations Matrix. This is a behavior that we model, teach, reteach and practice throughout the year.


Common Grading Scale

In a 4-point common grading system, students are assessed based on their proficiency in meeting state academic standards.  At Farnsworth Upper Aerospace Magnet (the Home of Future Leaders), teachers will take the Minnesota Academic Standards, which are broad statements of skills and understandings, and break these down into specific and measurable learning goals for each course.  Learning goals are what students should know (content and concepts) or be able to do (skills and problem solving).  This means that teachers will assess a student’s progress towards meeting each standard based learning goal by indicating the quality at which a student’s work meets a learning goal.


Electronics/Cell Phone Policy

Farnsworth Aerospace Middle School discourages students from bringing cell phones, tablets, iPods, headphones, and other electronic equipment to school. Electronics often become a distraction to the educational environment, and are targets of theft.  Students who choose to bring cell phones and/or other electronics to school do so at their own risk. Farnsworth Aerospace Middle School and the St. Paul School District will not be liable for any damage, loss, or theft of electronic devices (SPPS Policy 520.00: Information Technology Usage & Safety Policy).


Hallway Passes

All students must have a pass from their teacher to leave the classroom for any reason. Teachers should keep track of who is leaving class, how long they are leaving and how often they are needing to be out of the classroom.  There should not be more than one student out of class at a time and for no more than 5 minutes.  Additionally, all students should only use the bathrooms that are on located on the floor of their class (unless the bathroom is unavailable).


iPad Policy

Farnsworth Aerospace Middle School uses the iPad as an instructional tool to support students with multiple ways of accessing information, thinking critically and demonstrating what they’ve learned through the use of technology. We encourage students to be respectful, responsible and safe when using their iPad.


The 7 Non-Negotiables

These expectations are non-negotiable for students.


Weapons Policy

SPPS Board Policy 903.00 forbids any person from carrying a weapon on a school location.